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Return Policy

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Yes and no. "Sale" items may not be returned. All other items may be returned if they are damaged, if the wrong product was shipped, or you wish to exchange non-printed items. We cannot accept returns on custom printed items because of the customization.

Please be sure to inspect your merchandise upon receipt. All claims must be made within 7 days of receipt of goods. Returns can be made within 30 days of receipt of goods, but will incur a 15% restocking fee. No returns will be accepted after 30 days.

  • All freight charges are paid by the customer. All shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
  • Garments with numbers, logos, or any other print customization may not be returned for credit.
  • Products returned are only eligible for a refund if they are in their original packaging. including manufacturer tags where applicable. Products must be in new or unused condition. 



Call us at 866.588.3468 to receive a Return Authorization number (RA#), required for all returns. We will ask you for the following so please have this information ready:

  • Date of purchase
  • Order number (found on the paperwork in the shipment)
  • Items you are returning: style number and color number (example: 102/10 is the Yuma jersey/orange color), size and quantity. For assistance, you can find the product number on our website or, when you call for an RA#, ask the Customer Service representative for the style number and color number of your items. Give them your order number and they can look it up.
  • Reason for the return

We will email you a return shipping label for orders that are damaged or shipped incorrectly to adhere securely to your package. Exchange orders need to be returned prepaid (no COD’s will be accepted).

PLEASE NOTE!  Returns without an RA# clearly marked on the outside of the carton will not be accepted by our warehouse and will be returned to shipper.